Asbestos Inspection
Asbestos identification and subsequent treatment is a serious concern for building and homeowners. Failure to follow local, state, and federal regulations can result in fines and work stoppage, which can prove costly and time consuming. All commercial demolition/renovation projects are required by DNR regulations to be inspected/ for asbestos containing materials prior to the initiation of work. Keystone's state certified inspectors provide professional services relating to:
Residential Inspections
Commercial Inspections
Renovation/Demolition Inspections
Post-Fire Inspections
NIOSH 582 Equivalent Air Sampling (background sampling, air monitoring during abatement, clearance testing post-abatement)

Our inspectors are fully licensed in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan

Items provided with your Asbestos Inspection Report include:
A record of locations sampled
A record of the condition of the item in each area
Advice regarding its management
Photographic information
Lab analysis reports